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发布日期:2020-05-19  浏览:

    朱小兰1986.12,女,医学博士,江苏大学妇产科学硕士生导师,江苏省“333 工程第三层次培养对象,六大人才高峰培养对象,镇江市“169 工程科技骨干,镇江市有突出贡献的中青年专家,镇江市十大杰出青年。


2018.10-2019.09 麻省总医院(哈佛医学院)访问学者

2013.09-2016.06 江苏大学 医学博士

2009.09-2012.06 江苏大学 医学硕士

2004.09-2009.06 江苏大学 医学学士


2014.09-至今 镇江市妇幼保健院 生殖医学中心 主治医师,副主任医师

2012.07-2014.08 镇江市妇幼保健院 妇产科 住院医师





  1. 国家自然科学基金 (81402165);

  2. 江苏省社会发展项目(BE2018693);

  3. 江苏省自然科学基金 (BK20171311);

  4. 江苏省自然科学基金(BK20131241);

  5. 江苏省六大高峰人才项目(2016-WSW-125

  6. 江苏省333科研项目


  1. 江苏省科技进步三等奖(1/7

  2. 江苏省新技术引进一等奖(1/3

  3. 江苏省妇幼新技术引进二等奖(1/3

  4. 镇江市科技进步一等奖(1/5


  1. Zhu XL, Shen HL,Yin XM, Long LL, Xie CJ, Liu YQ, Hui LL, Lin X, Fang Y, Cao Y, Xu Y, Li M, Xu WL and Li YF. miR-186 regulation of Twist1 and ovarian cancer sensitivity to cisplatin. Oncogene, 2016,3(5):323-332.

  2. Zhu XL, Shen HL, Xu WL.et al. Macrophages derived exosomes deliver miR-223 to epithelial ovarian cancer cells to elicit a chemoresistant phenotype, Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research,2019,38:81.

  3. Hao Chen, Haibo Yang, Xiaolan Zhu(Co-first author). m5C Modification of mRNA Serves a DNA Damage Code to Promote Homologous Recombination. Nature communication,2020.

  4. Yang ML, Lin L, Zhu XL (Corresponding Author), .et al. Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells derived exosomal miR-144-5p improved rat ovary function after chemotherapy-induced ovary failure by targeting PTEN. LABORATORY INVESTIGATION,2019, doi.org/10.1038/s41374-019-0321-y.

  5. Zhu XL, Li YF.miR-124 regulation of NFATC1 and atherosclerosis in APOE-deficient mice, JACC, 2015,66(16):63-64.

  6. Zhu XL, Li YF, Xie CJ, et al. miR-145 sensitizes ovarian cancer cells to paclitaxel by targeting Sp1 and Cdk6.Int J Cancer,2014.135(6):1286-96.

  7. Zhu XL, Shen HL,Yin XM, et al, IL-6R/STAT3/miR-204 feedback loop contributes to cisplatin resistance of epithelial ovarian cancer cells. Oncotarget, 2017,8(24): 39154-39166.

  8. Zhu XL, Li YF, Shen HL, et al. miR-137 inhibits the proliferation of lung cancer cells by targeting Cdc42 and Cdk6. FEBS lett. 2013.587(1):73-81.

  9. Zhu XL, Li YF, Shen HL, et al. miR-137 restoration sensitizes multidrug-resistant MCF-7/ADM cells to anticancer agents by targeting YB-1. Acta biochimica et biophysica Sinica 2013,45(2):80-86.

  10. Zhu XL, Li H, Long LL, et al. miR-126 enhances the sensitivity of non-small cell lung cancer cells to anticancer agents by targeting vascular endothelial growth factorA. Acta biochimica et biophysica Sinica, 2012.44(6):519-526.

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