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Date:2021-09-30  View:

Dr. Khan Muhammad Saad Shoaib

Current address: 301Xuefu road,Jingkou district, Zhenjiang city, Jiangsu, China




To work with a reputed institution, that will provide me a good platform to utilize my expertise & research skills and will help me to grow my career.


  2015 – June 2020

Ph.D. Agriculture and Biotechnology

Zhejiang University, China

Research Interest

Utilization of modern techniques such as, biotechnology, metabolomics, etc. to understand the molecular mechanism in plants under biotic and abiotic stress conditions. Which may help us to develop plants with enhanced attributes.  Hence, the ultimate goal is to serve the local and global farmers by developing cultivars with best quality and yield traits.                                                            

List of Publications (With impact Factor)

1.Khan, M.S.S. and Chen, J., 2022. Regulation of the interplay between reactive oxygen species and SUMOylation pathways: an essential role for SIZ1. Plant Physiology. (I.F. 8.9)

2.Khan, M.S.S., Islam, F., Ye, Y., Ashline, M., Wang, D., Zhao, B., Fu, Z.Q. and Chen, J., 2022. The Interplay between Hydrogen Sulfide and Phytohormone Signaling Pathways under Challenging Environments. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23(8), p.4272. (I.F. 6.2)

3.Khan, M.S.S., Islam, F., Chen, H., Chang, M., Wang, D., Liu, F., Fu, Z.Q. and Chen, J., 2022. Transcriptional Coactivators: Driving Force of Plant Immunity. Frontiers in Plant Science, p.80. (I.F. 6.6)

4.Chen, J., Sharifi, R., Khan, M.S.S., Islam, F., Bhat, J.A., Kui, L. and Majeed, A., 2021. Wheat Microbiome: Structure, Dynamics, and Role in Improving Performance Under Stress Environments. Frontiers in Microbiology, 12. (I.F. 6) [Equal contribution]

5.Khan, M. S. S., Basnet, R., Ahmed, S., Bao, J. 2020. Mutations of OsPLDa1 Increase lysophospholipid Content and Enhance Cooking and Eating Quality in Rice. Plants 9, 390. (I.F. 4.6)

6.Khan, M. S. S., Basnet, R., Islam, S. A., Shi, Q. 2019. Mutational Analysis of OsPLDα1 Reveals Its Involvement in Phytic Acid Biosynthesis in Rice Grains. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 67, 11436-11443. (I.F. 5.8)

7.Islam, F., Wang, J., Farooq, M.A., Khan, M.S.S., Xu, L., Zhu, J., Zhao, M., Muños, S., Li, Q,X., Zhou, W.J., 2018. Potential impact of the herbicide 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid on human and ecosystems. Environment International, 111, 332-351. (I.F. 13.3)

Thesis Title(s)

Ph.D: Mutational Analysis of Lipid Degradation Encoding Gene OsPLDa1 and its impact on grain quality. 

Masters: Studies on Genetic Transformation of Peanut using Floral Injection Method


Won award of excellence at 12th conference of Crop Sciences attended from November 8-10, 2019; Organized by Yangzhou University, Yangzhou, China


2020-2021 worked as post-doctoral at Zhejiang University

2021-09 - current worked as post-doctoral at Jiangsu University

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Address:No.301, Xuefu Road, Zhenjiang City, Jiangsu Province