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International Genome Center successfully held "Little Scientists" science popularization activity
Date:2021-11-14  View:

In order to enhance children's life awareness and cultivate children's strong interest in life sciences, the International Genome Center and Zhongshan Road Primary School jointly held the science popularization activity called "Little Scientists". The theme of the science popularization activity is "Blood Type Discovery Tour", which was held in the afternoon of November 10, 2021 at Zhongshan Road Primary School. 49 students from Zhongshan Road Primary School, and teachers and students from the Gene Center participated in the event.

The activity consists of three parts: class about blood type, experiment exploration, small story and big thinking. In the blood group class, Professor Su Zhaoliang, executive director of the Genome Center, introduced the basic knowledge of blood group and the process of blood group discovery and research to the students in vivid language. The blood type of a child is determined by the parents, and the secret lies in the chromosome of the human genetic code. In order to let the children have a more intuitive understanding, we first let the children observe the chromosome shape through a microscope at close range. Then, let the children work with the researchers to test their own blood types using blood type test strips. After the experiment, Professor Su Zhaoliang combined the blood type discovery and the story of the research process, and passed on to the children the spirit of perseverance, rigorous pragmatism, solidarity and cooperation among the scientists.

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